AGAVE albopilosa, pot 6 cm, SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 63.00 €
ARIOCARPUS fissuratus cv. Godzilla, 3,1 (2,8) cm, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
ARIOCARPUS fissuratus, 5 cm , SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
ARIOCARPUS kotschoubeyanus var. albiflorus, SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
ARIOCARPUS trigonus, pot 5 cm , 3 pieces, SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 8.00 €
ASTROPHYTUM cv. Hekiran Fukuryu, clone 3, pot 5 cm, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
ASTROPHYTUM cv. Hekiran Fukuryu, clone 3, pot 5 cm, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
AVONIA quinaria ssp. alstonii, 2 pieces, pot 5 cm, 2 x SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
AVONIA quinaria ssp. alstonii, pot 5 cm, SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
AVONIA quinaria ssp. alstonii, pot 5 cm, SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €